Wednesday, September 26, 2012

What are the Odds?

Well those who know me and those who read my blog know that I'm not a creative person. I'm not a writer in any sort of way. I have horrible grammar and can barely spell (unless its a medical word). Which is why I have a blog and am not writing a book. Well like most people who suck at English I am good at math. I like that math unlike the world is black or white. There is only one answer and its not really subject to interpretation. I only took one math class in college. I took it my firs semester and it was statistics. I would have loved to take more math classes but I didn't need anymore and as much as I loved the class I don't really feel the need to overachieve . Back to my stats class though.Its all about figuring out the odds.  So what are the stats on cervical cancer?

  • In 2012, an estimated 12,170 new cases of invasive cervical cancer will be diagnosed in U.S. women.5
  • In 2012, an estimated 4,220 U.S. women will die from the disease.5

  • Most women with cervical cancer are diagnosed before the age of 50; the median age is 48.3 However, older women remain at risk. More than 20% of new cases are diagnosed in women over 65. Cervical cancer in women younger than 20 is rare.5
  • In the U.S., Hispanic women have the highest rate of cervical cancer, followed by African American, Caucasian, American Indian/Alaska Native, and Asian American/Pacific Islander women. Mortality rates are highest for African American women.6

  • When detected at its earliest stage, cervical cancer has a 5-year relative survival rate of approximately 91%. For regional disease, it is nearly 57%. If the cancer has spread to distant organs, 5-year survival drops to approximately 16%. In general, the prognosis is affected by the extent of disease at the time of diagnosis.3

  • In a recent study the two-year survival rate for recurrent cervical cancer was 18.5%. Median survival was 8 months (95%CI, 7-10 months).
When I look at these stats I can't help but ask myself what are my odds?
What were the chances when I was first diagnosed?
What were the chances of it spreading to my lymph nodes?
What were the chances of it coming back a second and now a third time?
What are the chances of it coming back if I'm able to beat it this time?
What are my chances of survival in 5 years, 2 years, or even a year?

According to the stats. The odds are not in my favor and this isn't a gamble that one would want to take? I have to remind myself though that I'm not a statistic. Those stats were not me and my situation. And for those who do like to gamble, I beat the odds all the time. I beat the odds the day I got diagnosed. At 25 the odds were in my favor that I would never get cancer. So then I ask myself more positive questions about odds that were not in my favor and I still managed to beat?
What are the odds of me being diagnosed?
What are the odds of the cancer coming back a second time and me beating it a second time?
What are the odds of me meeting the most amazing man and be able to call him my husband?
What are the odds of having such amazing supportive friends?
What are the odds that I would sit at home and miss the drunk and crazy patients at the hospital?
What are the odds of having friends that own a condo in Hawaii and them offering it to us free of stay? (Thank you so much Taylor family)
What are the odds that my mom would buy us our plane tickets to Hawaii? (OK those odds were really in my favor but I do appreciate all you do)
There still one odd that I would like to beat in my lifetime.
What are the odds of finding the cure?

1 comment:

  1. Hi Shannon!

    I'm a friend of Pat Borden Harley and she shared your story with me. I hope that's okay, and I'm thinking it is since you're blogging about it ;)

    I'm 26 years old and went through an extreme health crisis myself where I was bedridden and thought I was going to die at 21. I've healed myself through following a whole foods vegan diet and I continue to follow it now. I do everything I can to spread this message to those who need to hear it because I wish someone had told me sooner.

    I totally empathize with where you are right now. I know it's frustrating and scary and so so confusing!

    I've spoken to and worked with several people in a similar situation to you right now, people who have beat several kinds of cancer, even after it came back. Sometimes it takes a few times for the diet and lifestyle change to stick and become the new and permanent lifestyle, so the cancer comes back.

    You have time, so don't feel pressured into a treatment that will cause you to become extremely ill and destroy your body. Everyone in my family with cancer was pressured into treating it so quickly and I haven't seen any conventional methods be very effective. I truly believe a diet and lifestyle change is your safest bet here and will give you THE BEST odds of beating this again. Which I'm confident you can do, if you give your body the conditions it needs to heal itself.

    Cancer and most illnesses are not things that naturally happen in healthy bodies, it's usually caused by us and we only have to remove the cause and the cancer will go away. Following an organic, vegan, partially raw diet will give your body the fuel and nutrients it needs while it heals, and it will also prevent the cancer from ever coming back. Healing Cancer from the Inside Out is the most popular movie right now about healing cancer with diet (sorry if this is all redundant for you and you've heard of this before). Here's a link to the trailer:

    I would love to help you in anyway that I can. I see you're going to Hawaii soon, I hope you enjoy your trip! I'll be going there as well in 2 weeks, to the Big Island.

    Best wishes to you on your journey! It sounds like you have a great support system already :) but if you'd like to talk and chat about anything at all that would be great. Here's my site if you wanna check out my story and see that I'm a real person lol:

    <3 Megan
    Please feel free to email me at
