Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Whats the plan

So whats the plan now? Do I just give up and die. Do I do chemo that might help me but might also just make me sicker than I am now? Should I just call in hospice to make sure I'm comfortable. My oncologist told me that if I did chemo and was lucky enough to go into remission it would just come back in a year. And I thought about it a lot but at the end of the day all those options SUCK. I choose none of the above. I'm choosing to fight. I'm choosing to be part of finding a cure. I'm choosing to live. Sure I will have sad days but I refuse to let this cancer win.
I received a call from the doctor in Maryland yesterday. And I really like this doctor. He looked at my scans and said that its really hard to see the size of the tumors on the Pet Scan and requested a CT scan with contrast. He also said that the tumors might be too small and explained the need for having bigger tumors because they would be able to grow more TCells. He said that he would never want to wish anyone bigger tumors but that it would make his job easier. So he stated that if he was going to order a CT scan and pursue his trial it would be best to wait 6weeks to do it. So that were my options. I could start chemo now, which is the standard treatment, and hope to go into remission but have it most likely just return. Or do I wait 6 weeks and let this cancer grow so I can be a guinea pig on some experimental trial that might be the cure, might put me into remission, or might make the cancer spread even more.
Again all i have are sucky choices. I had to go with my gut though. I have said that if I had to start chemo today I believe the chemo will kill me. I have been drawn to the clinical trial since the first time I read about it. So I'm going with the clinical trial. I know some of you are yelling at me from home right now about how I could possibly wait and do nothing. Well I'm not doing nothing. Jim and I are trying more alternative methods right now. You hear about people that say they cured their disease doing this or that. So we are trying this and that. We are starting with a 10 day juice cleanse that is said to rid your body of all the bad toxins. Following that we will follow a strict organic diet with lots of raw veggies. I am also trying the baking soda and molasses thing along with the hydrogen peroxide in water. The way I see it is when this next scan happens I will only receive good news. If my tumors regress or stay the same than that's good news and means that maybe diet can cure cancer and I will continue on with my diet. If the tumors are bigger than I get to go into the clinical trial which will hopefully find me a cure.


  1. You are very strong woman. My mom passed away from cancer and in a way i understand the horrible options doctors give you. I wish when mmy mom was sick i knew of raw food look in the gerson therapy and also call dr.morse he has cured people with cancer his number is 941-255-1979 you can also watch him on youtube. If you go raw focus on a high fruit diet and greens dont consume a lot of fats also a juice fast is amazing for cancer

  2. Also if you have netflix or go to hulu you can watch documentaries that talk about how to cure cancer with diet Forks over knives is great please watch it and the gerson therAPY

  3. Hi Shannon,
    I am so sorry to hear about all of the crap you are going through, it really isn't fair. I know that you are trying the natural approach...have you researched IV Vitamin C? I've been following the research for awhile and it seems promising. you might even be able to find a clinical trial starting. stay strong!
