Monday, October 8, 2012

Are tattoos taboo?

First off I would like to say that I don't care what anyone thinks of my tattoo. I love it. My sister, my mom, and my 2 best friends all went and got one. Everyone got theirs on their wrist but I got mine on my stomach. 4 of us were even tattoo virgins.
I would like to say that I did not ask anyone or pull the "but I have cancer" card. (The only good thing about having cancer is being able to say that.)They all wanted to do and did it on their free will. I would also like to say that I love all of them and appreciate everything they do to support me.
My tattoo has a heart which symbolizes love, doves which symbolize hope, little stick people which symbolize friends and family, and the word faith. My tattoo represents that when you fight cancer you need to have faith, hope, love, and friends.
I always knew I had a great support system. Tattoos are forever and so is my support. We had a lot of laughs that day and its memories that we will look back at 20 years from now and still smile. They reminded me that day that I am not fighting this alone. They are fighting it with me.
And for everyone that wants to know how I am doing. Today is day 7 of the 10 day cleanse. For those that want to know we are doing the modern manna 10 day detox. I'm lucky that my husband is doing this with me. Did I mention that I have an amazingly supportive husband? The first few days were difficult. Not because I was hungry but because I was so full from all the fluids that I had to drink. On day 4 we had to add a blood detox into the schedule. Since adding the blood detox I have gotten pretty sick every evening around 5. They say that when you detox you can have a "cleansing crisis" which is exactly how I felt. Jim hasn't gotten sick at all but he also hasn't had cancer or chemo before. So hopefully this feeling is because its working and making me better. My scan has been scheduled for October 24th so we should know them.

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