Friday, July 5, 2013

Biopsy completed

I had posted in my last blog that I was having some bladder issues. The urologist did a scan in the office and there was some discoloration and bladder wall thickening. The doctor requested a biopsy to be on the safe side so I had the surgery on Tuesday. I woke up in quite a bit of pain but felt significantly better on Wednesday. I went to work on Thursday which ended up being a bad idea. The pain got worse and worse and to make a long story short I know have an infection. So I'm on more antibiotics and pain meds and took a couple days off of work. Lucky for me my husband makes an excellent nurse and has been taking great care of me. I have a follow up appt on Tuesday and will hopefully get the results of the biopsy then. 
On a more positive note Jim and I had a great time on our Mexico trip

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