Sunday, August 11, 2013

I lag with my post

I have been really busy and tired so I haven't posted in awhile. My bladder biopsy showed cystitis. Cystitis is basically radiation damage. It sucks but at least it's not cancer. 
About a month Jim and I were at dinner and he noticed that my pupils were different sizes. When I got home and looked in the mirror they were the same size so I figured it must have been the way the light was hitting my eyes. A couple weeks after that a coworker pointed out that they were different sizes. Now I get told that about once a week. So I brought it up to my oncologist. So my next scan will have a head CT added on which is scheduled for August 19. I've  also seen an ophthalmologist who did a full work-up and didn't find anything wrong. He said my pupils are unusual but as far as he can tell everything is fine. 

Overall I have been feeling pretty well. I've been working a lot (blah) but its better than not working. Jim is back at work now too. I'm so proud of my husband who is now officially a real estate agent. So feel free to contact us if you are looking to buy and/or sell. 

Jim and I were able to go deep sea fishing a couple weeks ago. The water was like bath water and we got a ton of fish. Jim even caught a 21lbs salmon. We had a great time with some friends that live in the Bay Area. I love being able to have the energy to get out and socialize. It's crazy how much our lives have changed in the last year. I feel incredibly blessed in my life. 

I will try and post right after I get my scan results. Sometimes I lag but I will for sure post a quick result on Facebook so you can always look for it there. 

1 comment:

  1. So I don't know if you are the one I'm looking for, but after reading your blog the information matches up, but are you the daughter of Lee Bartoo? Sorry if this seems a little forward, but I couldn't find any other way to contact you.
