Monday, October 29, 2012

Hawaii sun is good for the soul

Well its been awhile since I have posted anything. So lets start with the good stuff. Jim and I were very fortunate and have some friends of the family that offered us their condo to stay in. Their condo was in Waikiki Beach in Oahu. We had an amazing time while we were there. For those that have never been to Hawaii I think its safe to say that Hawaii is a different way of life. Except when it comes to the bums they still hang out outside of he McDonald's. In general though its a life that is lived outside in Hawaii. The weather is amazing and there is just so many things that you can do. The unforgettable moments for me was 1. Hiking diamond head. It was a challenge for me because I am not even close to the shape I use to be. We had to take frequent breaks but I made it and the views from the top were unforgettable. 2.Snorkeling at hanauma bay. Another amazing thing that we did. I have never really done snorkeling before outside of doing it in the pool as a kid. Snorkeling in the bay is way cool. The fish are so colorful and come right up to you. We were also privileged enough to swim with a turtle. I must say that my husband totally nerded out with the snorkeling. So much so that he decided to skip the sunscreen on his back. Don't worry though its been over a week and he still remembers that he should have listened to me and put on sunscreen. After the bay we also went para sailing that day. Also a ton of fun. I'm not crazy enthusiastic when it comes to heights and there was a few times that I got nervous but it was still something amazing to do with my husband. Another unforgettable thing was Pearl Harbor. Just trying to grasp what was going on the world at the time is difficult. The last day was also very memorable. We rented a car and went around to the north shore stopping at all the famous beaches (banzai pipeline) and ate at the famous Giovanni's shrimp truck. For Jim and I it was a really relaxing day to be on our own time schedule and not waiting for the bus. The north shore was a little more relaxed and not nearly as busy. A very relaxing day.
      So I know everyone is dying to know whats going on with my recent scan. I was suppose to have my scan on Wednesday but the machine was broke so I was rescheduled for Thursday at their sister facility.  I tried to get the CD after the appointment so I could overnight it to Maryland but there was some problems and they couldn't get it to upload. So we picked it up on Friday and it was set to deliver on Monday. I called this morning to see if they got the CD and get their opinion but unfortunately due to the storm they were closed but they hope to reopen tomorrow. So more waiting....   I hate waiting though so i called and got the official read from the radiologist. In comparing the recent CT with the previous PET some lymph nodes have gotten bigger and some have gotten smaller. The other good news is that the radiologist that read my scan believes that the spot on the lungs might be old infection changes and may not be a metastasis. If that is the case not having the lungs involved increases my prognosis pretty significantly. I actually started crying when I read the results today  but they were tears of joy. I know this scan is not perfect but after so much anxiety with the anticipation I was so relieved to get the results that I did. So for now I am waiting to hear back from Maryland to see if the tumors on the spleen are good enough for them.

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