Saturday, January 19, 2013

Life has been good (well mostly)

I don't have any new medical news but I did want to post an update on all the good things happening and a couple not so good things.
I haven't had any new scans since my last post but I have been feeling great. My back pain that was constant is now pretty infrequent. I have gained some weight. (Stop rolling your eyes gaining weight is just as hard as losing it) and overall I just feel good. I'm still nervous and paranoid every time I get any aches or pain but a lot more relaxed then I was before.
Jim and I had wonderful Christmas ( 3 Christmases to be exact) and a very mellow New Years. The dogs are happy to have us home for an extended period of time although they do enjoy all their play dates they got to go on.
For the most part we have settled back into living life. Last week I took my ACLS class and I'm scheduled to do my PALS class next week. For those that don't know its just life saving skills classes I have to take for work. Jim took his real estate exam and even though we had a major crisis with the house that distracted him from studying he still passed.
Major crisis on the house is the not so good things that have happened. We live in a two story house and while walking through our formal dining room (luckily we don't really use this room) I noticed a leak coming from the ceiling. We drilled a hole in it to let it drain which gave us about three buckets of water. The next day the ceiling collapsed anyway. It appeared the leak was coming from the master bathroom upstairs. We did some investigation and at first we thought the leak was coming from the bathtub. You wouldn't think it wouldn't be that big of a deal but our bathtub is an oversized tub that has been boxed in and tiled. So we had to cut into the tile and found that everything was puddled and soaking wet but no signs of a leak. After further investigation it appears the water is coming in through the window or the wall of the bathroom. The crazy part is that it hasn't rained in a week or so. So that water has been sitting there for a lot longer than I would have liked and of course there is mold. So right now our master bathroom and formal ding room is all torn out. The good news is that Jim cleaned it all up because he didn't want me around the mold. (Darn cancer) so for now we are waiting for the insurance to come out and take pictures and do their thing and humidifiers are set up to dry it out. But in case that wasn't enough problems we are forced to use the other bathroom which wouldn't normally be a big deal. Well Jim went into the garage after his shower and found a leak in the garage coming from the other bathroom. Luckily that was found to just be a minor leak coming from the toilet shooting water out when you flush it and he was able to quickly fix it.
That's about all for now though. We go back to NIH at the end of February and if everything goes as planned I will be returning to work right after I get back.

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